Why ResCUE?
We’ve taken the guesswork out of human interaction. By having employees simply slip on our ResCUE smart badge, businesses can better track and manage COVID-19 disease transmission.
With ResCUE, companies can create an intuitive map of person-to-person interaction, how often and when employees came in contact with one another, for what duration of time and at what distance.
No downloads, no apps, no preinstalled tech required - and doesn’t depend on user participation - it’s reliable and already helping thousands of employees return to work safely.
Real Time Data & Analytics

Detailed and comprehensive data dashboards help employers stay fully operational while decreasing the spread of Covid-19.
Pilot the ResCUE
Click below to demo ResCUE or request additional information. We’re excited to do our small part to dampen COVID-19’s reach and keep people safe, and look forward to hearing from you.